The TEASER++ MATLAB binding provides a wrapper function for users to interface with the TEASER++ library: - teaser_solve: a MATLAB function that wraps around a MEX function that creates a solver and calls the solve() function.

Here we will show you how to use TEASER++’s MATLAB binding to solver 3D registration problems.


Input arguments:

  • src: a 3-by-N matrix of 3D points representing points to be transformed

  • dst: a 3-by-N matrix of 3D points representing points after transformation (each column needs to correspond to the same column in src)

Input parameters (name-value pairs):

  • Cbar2: square of maximum ratio between noise and noise bound (set to 1 by default).

  • NoiseBound: maximum bound on noise (depends on the data, default to 0.03).

  • EstimateScaling: true if scale needs to be estimated, false otherwise (default to true).

  • RotationEstimationAlgorithm: 0 for GNC-TLS, 1 for FGR (default to 0).

  • RotationGNCFactor: factor for increasing/decreasing the GNC function control parameter (default to 1.4):

    • for GNC-TLS method: it’s multiplied on the GNC control parameter.

    • for FGR method: it’s divided on the GNC control parameter.

  • RotationMaxIterations: maximum iterations for the GNC-TLS/FGR loop (default to 100).

  • RotationCostThreshold: cost threshold for FGR termination (default to 0.005).


  • s: estimated scale (scalar)

  • R: estimated rotation matrix (3-by-3)

  • t: estimated 3D translational vector (3-by-1)

  • time_taken: time it takes for the TEASER++ library to compute a solution in seconds.

For more information, please refer to the comments in the source code directly.


Estimate a registration problem with known scale

Assume we have src and dst, two 3-by-N matrices. And we know that dst = R * src + t + e, where e is bounded within 0.01. The following is a snippet of how you can use TEASER++ to solve it.

cbar2 = 1;
noise_bound = 0.01;
estimate_scaling = false; % we know there's no scale difference
rot_alg = 0; % use GNC-TLS, set to 1 for FGR
rot_gnc_factor = 1.4;
rot_max_iters = 100;
rot_cost_threshold = 1e-12;

% The MEX function version
[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve_mex(src, dst, cbar2, ...
        noise_bound, estimate_scaling, rot_alg, rot_gnc_factor,    ...
        rot_max_iters, rot_cost_threshold);

% The MATLAB wrapper version
[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve(src, dst, 'Cbar2', cbar2,    'NoiseBound', noise_bound, ...
                                     'EstimateScaling',    estimate_scaling, 'RotationEstimationAlgorithm', rot_alg, ...
                                  'RotationGNCFactor', rot_gnc_factor, 'RotationMaxIterations', 100, ...
                                  'RotationCostThreshold', rot_cost_threshold);

Estimate a registration problem with unknown scale

Assume we have src and dst, two 3-by-N matrices. And we know that dst = s * R * src + t + e, where e is bounded within 0.01. The following is a snippet of how you can use TEASER++ to solve it.

cbar2 = 1;
noise_bound = 0.01;
estimate_scaling = true;
rot_alg = 0; % use GNC-TLS, set to 1 to use FGR
rot_gnc_factor = 1.4;
rot_max_iters = 100;
rot_cost_threshold = 1e-12;

% The MEX function version
[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve_mex(src, dst, cbar2, ...
        noise_bound, estimate_scaling, rot_alg, rot_gnc_factor,    ...
        rot_max_iters, rot_cost_threshold);

% The MATLAB wrapper version
[s, R, t, time_taken] = teaser_solve(src, dst, 'Cbar2', cbar2,    'NoiseBound', noise_bound, ...
                                     'EstimateScaling',    estimate_scaling, 'RotationEstimationAlgorithm', rot_alg, ...
                                  'RotationGNCFactor', rot_gnc_factor, 'RotationMaxIterations', 100, ...
                                  'RotationCostThreshold', rot_cost_threshold);